Sunday, January 03, 2010

Things never to do or say to THIS DJ

I have a few pet peeves when I DJ that I just have to put out as nice a way as I possibly can

 please don't ask me:
1)  'why's it so dead?'

You walk in at 10pm when the doors open, even at midnight and the night just hasn't kicked off yet, don't ever ask the DJ why it's so dead...they don't know, they can't help it and you know, they're stuck there the entire night, don't remind them of it.

2)  'Why are you playing this right now/what the fuck are you playing?'

As a DJ, part of your job is to play to the crowd (sometimes you can do your own thing but really, a lot of your job has to do with making sure people have a good time).  If you're the only person in the club who wants to hear the Macarena, maybe you should understand it's a slack song and not everyone wants to hear that.  That said, just because the DJ doesn't play your song, why come at them with anger over what they are playing?  Especially when the crowd is having a good time?

Coat Check:
I've said it before, I'm not a coat check and I'm sure other DJs feel this way as well, I've seen them take a bunch of coats. Being nice is one thing but taking advantage of that is too much. I've had issues with this two years running now and I have to put my foot down!

My all time biggest pet peeve!
People who walk onto your dancefloor when it's not busy and try and sneak by you.  later in the night, your floor is busy and they come over pretending they didn't know you were DJ'ing....puh.

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