Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Swagger Jack-off

You know when you bring something fresh? Something a little new to someone elses attention and they incorporate it just a little bit into what they're doing?
Chil, it happens to me all the time!

Anyway, i guess after all these years you gotta let it just happen and show people how you do it better than impersonators but damn! 

Lord knows I have more words than Miss Muffet sips on curds but doesn't mean I should have to second guess myself before I let them rip on the unsuspecting public.

I've had my terms jacked, my words trifled (I'm 100% taking credit for 'Jackhole' which made its way from Port Credit Secondary to Brampton then to some high profile Hollywood Sitcom within a few years).

Anyway, now it's come down to my music style being swagger jacked by people I'm not even competing with.  My thing is, great if you see something working but at least give credit where it's due, foo'!

This said, I hope to be over this with greater success in 2010.

P.S. if anyone feels like buying me that T-shirt, I'm a large ;)

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