Monday, January 04, 2010

I may be on budget but I sho nuff know how to fudge-it

How bad must I be with money to want to spend $200 plus on an iphone so I can take advantage of the free budgeting applications?

Anyway, I spend too damn much money and even though I can't use the recession as a joke anymore, I have to start acting like I have no job right now.

In advance I apologize to everyone whose home I'll visit this year without a  bottle of wine, everyone whose birthday I'll show up to with a smile and wise words, everyone whose idea of a christmas present in 2010 consists of more than a few teabags (new at least) and as much free water as I can gather.

Money is the route of all evil they say but shit, you still need it to survive. I like my place too much and after I buy my iphone, my wii, my games, my speaker stand, rocketfish rear speaker wireless receiver, new wardrobe, trip to New York and the rest...well, it's cheap sailing!

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